Who I am
God's creature blessed with strengh daring to be herself in the world out of His grace. Corporate office and labor force in China since the 90s and born a designer I hope you enjoy the "Visions de my Soul". I do International Trade Shows, Road Shows and have clients like Motorola, Yue Sai Kan, Shop Channel Japan and distribuitors worldwide. My exclusive four yearly collections per category, are an expression of me, just like the high heels, make-up, long nails, wigs and outfits all blending together.
"STM Designs Look"© and the full expression of me, daring to be myself, is what I give. It is my story telling of what I create, what I imagine, what I see as beauty. Welcome to part of my life, welcome to STM Desings, initials of my name, Silvana Tobia-Marco, what I hold dearest as I life a life of the upmost high standards and education. My freedom of expression is something I hold dear so I hope that I have more time I can continue uploading my vast and extraordinary collections sold in Asia, Europe, Scandinavia, Latin America and of course, in my number one loved country, adopted for over thrity years, in my United States of America and my very dear hometown, in my San Francisco, California.
Welcome y'all❤️